Replace conventional hydroalcoholic solutions with activated water. e-water Hands is non-irritant and non-flammable, prevents skin from drying out. Alcohol-free, hydrogen peroxide-free.
Discover our Activities
With its experience in surface treatment, SCT supports you in an Innovation process with high Added Value, respectful of the Environment, People and generating Savings.
Light and air humidity to sanitize surface
Thanks to the power of light and the strength of the water contained in the air, we confer self-cleaning and self-disinfecting properties to surfaces.
This innovative process based on photocatalysis makes it possible to maintain a lasting result while reducing the environmental impact and the costs related to the maintenance of surfaces.
Experience in surface treatment
Department for your support
Our solutions are respectful of our planet
Locations: Switzerland & France
In a few figures
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Our latest Articles & News
Replace conventional cleaning and disinfection products with activated water. Reduce your consumption of chemicals and their impact on the environment. e-Water Surface is non-irritating, non-flammable.
Optimize the yield of your electricity by protecting the surface of the solar panels against fouling. Make their surface self-cleaning and thus reduce your annual maintenance costs.